LE CARRE DU LONDRES ... Long live 2021!

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A big hello to all of you,
In this first Newsletter of the year, we first of all express our best wishes. May 2021 be sparkling, gourmet and cozy ... and we intend to contribute to it!

What a joy to find you with a new menu which, personally, always gives me so muchstars in the eyes and that I can't wait ... taste and taste !! A few words gleaned at random ... raw cream with smoked paprika, buttered with celeriac, chorizo ​​and red onion confit, garam masala, bouillabaisse sauce with saffron, Savoyard with Reblochon (in this winter time, we really want it!) , grapefruit blanc manger (I love it), glazed chestnut (to continue the holidays!), cheesecake & white chocolate… I can smell it, you are falling for it and are already reading the entire menu below… ENJOY YOUR MEAL !

You will also find our new 2021 rates. See you in the new year, a small increase that we hope you will understand.

At the start of the year, we decided to give you a Zoom in pictures with my favorite view of the Loire in all seasons ... I won't tell you more ... the News, you will understand why I speak in "we" and less in "I" ... what a pleasure to be well supported in these times of Covid... And in the What's New in London, as incredible as it may seem ... the radiance of Grand Hôtel de Londres from Saumur to Riga in Latvia… thank you friends !


Concept of local jars

Hot or cold

Special Containment 2.0

7 days on 7
from 10AM to 20PM


white menu

Sweet potato velouté, organic green lentils and tarragon,
raw smoked paprika cream
Cauliflower and Ratte potato salad, perfect egg,
Parmesan pieces
Buttered celeriac, chorizo ​​and red onion confit


white sep

Salmon fillet, mixed with roasted vegetables with thyme,
saffron bouillabaisse sauce - GLUTEN FREE
Soft pork curry and Garam Masala, pilau rice,
Vichy carrot - GLUTEN FREE
Revisited Savoyard-style quiche with Reblochon and steamed leeks, cheese puff pastry - VEGETARIAN

white sep

Blanc manger with grapefruit, orange tartare in Triple Sec syrup,
chef's candied orange
Chestnut mousse with mascarpone, sponge cake, glazed chestnut
Chocolate and raspberry cheesecake, caramelized white chocolate shavings


New Tariffs 2021:
With prices unchanged since the opening of CARRE in 2018, we have allowed ourselves a small increase for 2021.If you want to know all the good reasons that led us to make this decision, do not hesitate!

- Starter / Main or Main / Dessert formula: € 15.50
- Starter / Main / Dessert formula: € 19
- Entrance: 5 €
- Main course: 10.50 €
- Dessert: 5 €



zoom of the week

My view of the Loire… it is indeed during my walks that I can not help but take a picture of our majestic Loire. And it is while crossing the Cessart bridge that I always come to a stop on this view. And you what do you think ?

Sunrise yesterday Monday January 11 at 8:54 a.m.


Sunrise, yesterday Monday January 11 9:38 a.m.


Sunshine, Monday 23 November 9:49 a.m.


And I can not help but join you this one, Friday November 27 9:03



My "we" is now made up of Alice and Cheyenne… In addition to François of course, but “my François”, I no longer need to present him to you, he is Evidence.

Besides, how does a hotel like ours live in times of Covid-19? First of all, we are very fortunate to be open and never to have even closed. Like a long-distance race, it's a bit tiring because of course to ensure the survival of the establishment, we were forced to put our employees in partial activity. CQFD Emeline, Claire and Pauline are sorely missed and relegated to home while we show up (and work!) 7 days a week from 7am to 6pm. The periods follow one another and are more or less alike with rather few customers. But they show so much kindness and benevolence that it boosts us enormously! We also have the chance to see Ludivine, Mélanie or Christelle 30 days a week to clean the rooms and keep the Hotel in top shape. It's important for their morale.

On the other hand, faithful to our desire to ensure continuity in the training of our young people (because it is an important component of the Hotel industry), we are delighted to welcome 2 interns to allow them to validate their internships and their years of study. So many of them are desperately looking for internships, many companies having too little activity to entrust them with interesting missions.

Alice therefore joined the team yesterday and for almost 2 months with the aim of discovering the Hotel industry. With already several experiences in catering, we will greatly appreciate his many skills and dynamism on a daily basis and especially when preparing meal trays for dinners and breakfasts. She will discover hospitality, governance and service in this particular context.

I also finally took the plunge and took an intern in Communication. And not just any since Cheyenne had already completed a first internship 2 years ago during his CQP Hôtellerie-Restauration. Having kept such good memories of London (LOL), she wanted to come back to support me for her BTS Communication internship. And there is so much to do in this area, especially in the age of Social Media which is far from my cup of tea. We therefore have a very busy schedule for the coming weeks and you will surely see many winks linked to his precious and effective presence, both on documents and publications ...

A big thank you in advance to them 2!



I was waiting for the best moment to present you the youngest of London ... I am talking about the youngest "frame" of course. A pure wonder of chance. During their vacation in Riga in Latvia last year, Lisiane and Serge hunt on flea markets as usual ... and what was their surprise when they came across an original postcard of the Grand Hôtel de Londres in Saumur from the 20th arrondissement. century… 2575km separate these 2 cities… but the chance of Life and Friendship will have linked them. Thank you for this wonderful gift and this very successful between-two-glasses, friends!



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